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The Bourbon Life

Feb 21, 2022

In this episode of The Angels Share, Christi and Stacey dive into the world of low char whiskey.

Christi leads Stacey through a flight of five whiskeys (unfinished) that were aged in Char #1 or Char #2 barrels, and puts Stacey to the test of determining char level.

Stacey provides her personal tasting notes and feedback on each with a couple surprises!

The Angels discuss the impact of different char levels and the compounds affected by the charring process.

They explore distilleries currently using Char #1 or #2, examining considerations such as climate, and also look at why a distillery may opt for a lower char level.

You’ll have to tune in to find out how Stacey fares!

If you know of other distilleries using Char #1 or #2, shoot us an email at or DM us on Instagram @the_angels_share_podcast.

We'd love to hear from you!